Saturday, July 28, 2012

Exclusive MADBROWNZ Swag for Celebration VI.

I am proud to "officially" announce my two MADBROWZ Exclusives for Celebration VI.


Featuring a Sith Jawa with two red lightsabers, this pin will be available to attendees at Celebration VI. Only 100 pins have been produced and will be handed out to people who find me and “politely” ask me for one.


Similar to my Exclusive pin, this Patch features a menacing Sith Jawa with two red lightsabers.The Patch measures 4" x 4" and will be available to attendees at Celebration VI. Only 80 Patches have been produced and will be handed out to people who find me and “politely” ask me for one. A variant Patch will be available as well. Only 20 variant Patches have been created and will be showcased at Celebration VI.

The pins and patches were very well received. I am humbled by the the number of compliments given to me. I am "officially" out of the patches and pins for Celebration CVI. Thank you to everyone for the compliments.